You can filter or sort your quotations as per your preference by clicking on the field names. By which field the sorting is done is denoted by small blue arrow beside the field name. By default, it is sorted by date.
Author: admin
Can we download the Material Challan data?
Yes, you can download the Material Challan data. Steps for the same are as follows: Click the More button. Click on the Download CSV button.
Can we download the Stock data?
Yes, you can download the Stock data. Steps for the same are as follows: Click the More button. Click on the Download CSV button.
Can we download the Packages data?
Yes, you can download the Packages data. Steps for the same are as follows: Click the More button. Click on the Download CSV button.
Can we download the Item data?
Yes, you can download the Item data. Steps for the same are as follows: Click the More button. Click on the Download CSV button.
Is it possible to import Items records?
Yes, you can import Items records. Steps for the same are as follows: Click on the More button Click on the Import Items button. Choose the CSV file. Click Upload file.
How can I use Attribute?
If an Item has various attributes/types or variation, it can be directly added in the Attribute section. After entering the type you can click Enter for adding more types. More details like QUANTITY, RATE(INR), TRIGGER LEVEL and MIN ORDER QUANTITY can also be added.
What is Minimum Order Quantity?
Minimum Order Quantity will send an automated email to the vendor, to order the minimum quantity of the item when Trigger Level is reached.
What is Trigger level quantity?
Trigger Level Quantity is nothing but a minimal quantity level of an item, at which an alert of Low Quantity is given.
How can I add new unit?
You can add the New Unit by going to the Settings page. Direct link for the same is given Here. Click on the Units button and then on the Add Unit button. Fill in the details and click Save.